Absences and Excuses
In order for learning to occur, students need to be present everyday and attend all of their classes. Attendance is taken each period. We understand that there are unavoidable circumstances that cause a student to be absent. If absent, a student must present a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian, physician or other appropriate person within three days after returning to school. The excuse must include the date the excuse was written, date of absence, reason for the absence, telephone number where the parent/guardian may be reached and the required signature. If a student fails to provide a proper excuse, the absence may be recorded as unexcused.
The following are considered excused absences:
- Illness with a medical excuse
- Medical or dental appointments
- Serious Illness or death in the immediate family
- Recognized religious holiday of their faith
- School-sponsored or school-approved activities
- Unusual or mitigating circumstances as determined by the school principal
Students may only accumulate 10 parent notes without a medical excuse in one school year. Parents can routinely monitor absences by accessing information in PowerSchool Parent Portal. If a parent has a question or concern about an absence, the parent should contact the school as soon as possible.
High School Credit
Students taking courses for high school credit (World Language Level 1, Algebra 1 Honors, and English 1 Honors) cannot accumulate more than ten unexcused absences to receive credit. Parent notes count as UNEXCUSED absences in high school credit courses. Students who accrue more than 10 UNEXCUSED absences may fail the course due to absences and/or have to complete seat time recovery.
Early Dismissal
In order for a student to be dismissed from school prior to normal dismissal time, a parent or authorized person listed in PowerSchool must come into the front office to sign the student out. Students will not be dismissed from school after 3:00 p.m. As attendance is taken by period, students will be marked absent for each class period missed. If an early dismissal is necessary, parents/guardians should consider doing so at class changes or lunch/recess in order to limit interruptions to instructional time. During standardized state testing, students will not be dismissed once testing has begun.
e-Learning Days
In the event of a Virtual Learning Day, students are expected to complete assigned work in Schoology. Per the South Carolina Department of Education, students that fail to complete work within the designated time will be marked absent for that day.
School Hours
The school day begins at 8:05 a.m. Students are considered tardy to school after that time. The main office will buzz the student in to be admitted to class. The school day ends at 3:15 p.m. Students must be off campus at this time unless they are directly involved with a school activity.
Students who arrive tardy to school should be signed in to the main office by their parent/guardian upon arrival. More than three unexcused tardies to any one class may count as an unexcused absence for that class period.
*Students with an authorized medical excuse may sign themselves in and do not need to be accompanied by a parent.
After three consecutive unexcused absences or after a total of five unexcused absences, the principal or designee will identify the reason for the student’s continued absence and will, with the student and parent/guardian, develop a plan to improve the student’s attendance. The student may be referred to a truancy prevention program or to the Lexington County Family Court.