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Our School

Beechwood Middle School is committed to fulfilling the vision and mission of Lexington County School District One to empower each child to design the future and cultivate a caring community where ALL learners are extraordinary communicators, collaborators, creators and critical thinkers.

All students, regardless of circumstances, advance on time, prepared to graduate and ready to enter college, the military or industry with certification. 

BMS is an authorized Middle Years Program (MYP) school with a focus on computer science essentials. The rigorous, inquiry-based, global and holistic course of study will prepare students for any of Lexington District One’s multiple college and career readiness pathways.

Teaching and learning develop power skills in all students.Our schools are service-oriented centers of learning, committed to family and community partnerships.Every adult will be equipped with the skills and resources necessary to advocate for and ensure the success of all students.

BMS believes that relationships are at the core of student success. Consequently, students are provided with a teacher advocate to support them on their learning path and to design units of study that develop perseverance, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate and collaborate toward a common goal. 

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