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Beechwood Middle School (BMS) is committed to fulfilling our district’s mission to guide all students to learn, grow and excel. We believe that relationships are at the core of student success as we work together in preparing all students for the post-secondary opportunities they desire by providing a rigorous, inquiry-based, holistic, and globally-minded course of study that is enhanced by serving others. This is the essence of our motto, “Lead locally. Serve globally.

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Female student in robotics class
Teacher welcoming students
Three students in science
Theater students
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Male student in science
Students in art class
Student in science
Students at the Library

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Principal’s Corner

Leah Sarantopoulos

At Beechwood Middle School, we take pride in fostering an environment where every student can thrive. As principal, it is my privilege to lead and serve a dedicated team of educators committed to preparing all students for both high school and the post-secondary opportunities they aspire to pursue.

Our motto, Lead Locally, Serve Globally, reflects our belief that a great education is built upon a rigorous, inquiry-based, holistic, and globally-minded course of study that extends outward to create positive change in the world.

The middle school years are a crucial time of growth, both academically and personally. Our goal is to nurture curiosity, foster critical thinking, and support each Bengal’s journey towards becoming a young adult who will positively contribute to our society.

Thank you for being a part of our school community and engaging in this important work alongside the team at Beechwood. 

Go Bengals!